
The main quality indicators of petroleum coke

The main quality indicators are:

Purity: refers to the content of sulfur and ash in petroleum coke. High-sulfur coke will cause the product to swell during graphitization, causingCracks in carbon products. High ash content will hinder the crystallization of the structure and affect the performance of carbon products.

Crystallinity: refers to the structure of coke and the size of mesophase spheres. Coke formed from small spheres with a porous structure like a seaSpongy, coke formed by large small spheres, with dense structure such as fibrous or needle-like, and its quality is superior to sponge coke. in qualityIn the standard, true density roughly represents this performance, and high true density indicates good crystallinity.

Thermal shock resistance: refers to the crack resistance of coke products when they are subjected to thermal shocks suddenly rising to high temperatures or rapidly cooled from high temperatures can. The products of needle coke have good thermal shock resistance, so they have high use value. The coefficient of thermal expansion represents this property. The lower thehot expansion coefficient, the better the thermal shock resistance.

Particle size: The relative content of powder coke and block granular coke (usable coke) contained in the reaction coke. Powder coke is mostly In the process of decoking and storage and transportation, it is broken by mechanical action such as extrusion friction, so its size is also an indicator of mechanical strength now. The green coke can be prevented from being broken after being calcined to mature coke. The coke with more granular coke and less powder coke has higher use value

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