
Ferroboron is a strong deoxidizer and boron additive in steelmaking.The biggest role of boron in steel is that only a very small amount of boron can significantly improve the hardenability and replace a large number of alloying elements.

Ferroboron is a strong deoxidizer and boron additive in steelmaking.The biggest role of boron in steel is that only a very small amount of boron can significantly improve the hardenability and replace a large number of alloying elements. 

Ferro boron application :

1.Mainly used in steel and cast iron.
2.Used for alloy structure steel, spring steel, low alloy high strength steel, heat resistant steel, stainless steel, etc.
3.Boron can improve toughness and wear resistance in cast iron and is
4.widely used in automobile, tractor and machine tool manufacturing.

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